A review by shreyas1599
The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward


Oh my god, I still cannot believe what it is that I've completed reading. Words cannot describe how good the writing and the plot is. There was a point in the book, somewhere near the halfway mark when I started to get a little antsy about the so-called crux of the plot which seemed to be arriving any moment but still momentarily out of grasp.

It did arrive. In bits and pieces. It's hard to formulate in words without giving anything away how wonderfully crafted the story is. The writing and the characters did take some getting used to, but once that hurdle is crossed you can't stop reading further. I finally made some time and sped through from the 50% mark till the end in one sitting. I just had to know how it would pan out.

Throughout the book, I kept questioning reality. There were so many mindfuck moments that I'm leaving this line as a spoiler so no one is influenced in trying to guess the plot. All of my assumptions were proven wrong in the end. True, in the end, you might feel that there were parts of the story (teeny-tiny parts) that you could see coming.

But the entirety of it?
Probably not.