A review by pn_hinton
Limoncello Yellow by Traci Andrighetti


Despite the reading time for this being just under three months I really did enjoy this book. I just kept getting distracted with gaming and other books something that I am working on being better at. I started this series a bit in the middle with the Christmas one, Rosolio Red, first and fell in love with the characters there. After that I knew I had to read the first in the series to see where it all started.

I admired Franki for uprooting her whole life and moving to a new city. Sorry that's scary no matter how old you are, even if your best friend is promising you a job and a place to live since you're leaving behind everything that you know. While her reasons for doing it may not have been the best it was still brave. I simply adore Glenda; she cracked me up in the short story so her in a larger dose was just delightful. Now the mystery took a bit to get into not because it was uninteresting but because there were so many lures thrown out with plenty of red herrings. Ultimately though I think that the person who did it was the most believable out of everyone involved and I hope that isn't too much of a spoiler. I am also looking to others in this series as I really do enjoy this author's voice and the world she creates since I have also read one of her submissions to the Danger Cove series. A great start to a delightful cozy series that is full of unforgettable characters.