A review by bookwoods
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke


 Piranesi* is such a unique exploration of loneliness and memory, using elements of fantasy to deliver an academic mystery. The blurb calls it hypnotic and clever, and those are well chosen words indeed! Susanna Clarke’s skill at describing a setting, in this case a mesmerizing labyrinth of endless statue filled halls and stairways, is truly impressive! I read the Finnish translation by Helene Bützow and I think my native language helped to feel deeply immersed - as much as I do read in English, Finnish is more effortless. 

I don’t want to say anything about the plot though, as I personally tried not to get spoiled and loved being surprised by the nature of the story. The plot gets a little bit predictable, but not in an annoying way. It was just nice to figure out the twists a little ahead of the narration.

*received from the publisher, wsoy