A review by cadiva
Mended with Gold by Lee Welch


This book is beautiful, that's the best way I can describe it. I've not read anything by Lee Welch before but I'll be looking for her other stuff now.

For a novella she manages to create such a rich and compelling storyline with two fully developed characters and a pitch perfect setting. It's only not a 5* read for me because I wanted more than just a short peak to Alex and Joe.

These two richly portrayed men are both scarred, one in body, one in his soul and it takes a long slow almost torturous build up to get them together. By the time that happens, and it's mutual blow jobs only, the book ends, but with such a promise of joy and happiness going forward.

I loved this, it just brought happiness to my heart.

#ARC received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.