A review by library_brandy
Candy and Me: A Girl's Tale of Life, Love, and Sugar by Hilary Liftin


A life story punctuated by candy, or a candy story punctuated by life events--is there any difference between them? Liftin records every texture, every sensation, every experience in great detail, sharing her love for (or addiction to) any form of sugary sweet. From eating cups of powdered sugar with a spoon at seven years old to a marriage proposal in a package of Bottlecaps, candy has always been a part of Liftin's life--and she's willing to share it with you.

Very brief personal essays centered on candy. Nothing that's research-based (in fact, she talks about the terrible name of the Reese's FastBreak, but is apparently unaware of its much-improved Canadian identity, the Sidekick), but a very quick and engaging read all the same. Adding this to the 12th-grade booktalk list, because what's more exciting than candy?