A review by meghan111
City of Women by David R. Gillham


In 1943, during the heart of World War II, in Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, Sigrid Schroder is pretending to be the perfect wife of a Nazi soldier. Going to her job as a stenographer each day, returning to her apartment every night to cook up whatever food she has been able to buy with strict rationing. Sigrid, though, also has a secret: in the middle of the day, at lunchtime movie matinees in a darkened theater, she meets her lover: a Jewish man.

When her lover disappears, Sigrid finds herself entangled in the underworld network of people helping Jewish people in hiding in Berlin, and attempting to smuggle them out. As her watchful mother-in-law starts asking questions, and as a high-ranking SS officer moves into the apartment down the hall, how long can Sigrid go without being discovered and denounced?