A review by infinitezest
The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life And Our World by John Robbins


John Robbins was heir to the Baskin Robbins chain but gave up the money and endless supply of ice cream to become a vegan advocate (and, it seems, something of a hippie). In this book, Robbins takes a critical look at the ways our diet effect our bodies, the lives of animals and the future of the planet. While the first portion of the book concentrates on the many health benefits of a plant-based diet, the rest of the book definitely helped me look at my food choices in a broader context and realize that picking up locally-grown fruit or vegetable will have a much more positive impact on the world than picking up a cheesesteak.
I was most surprised by his information on genetically engineered foods and the way they are embraced by the U.S. government despite the health risks.
My favorite thing about the book is the "Is that so?" boxes. Robbins picks out statements from the meat industry and then juxtaposes them with statements from reputable sources to show the subtle deceptions and sometimes bald-faced lies the industry is telling us.