A review by dantastic
The Garrett Files by Glen Cook


I was looking for some literary methadone to hold me over until my next Dresden Files heroin fix and decided to give Garrett a try.

Sweet Silver Blues was okay. It was a missing person story that ended up getting complicated. I found it choppy in places and felt like I turned over two pages at once a few times. It really picked up at the end. 3 out of 5.

Bitter Gold Hearts was better. A kidnapping and ransom that turned out to be much more. The writing was better and the story was more engaging than the first book. It held my interest and kept me up late. 4 out of 5.

Cold Copper Tears, the final story in this volume, convinced me I'd track down more Garrett books after this one. Missing holy relics and a murderous cult. I finished this one a few minutes ago and it engaged me right off the bat. 5 out of 5.

How do the Garrett Files stack up against the Dresden Files? I'll just say I like the Garrett books better thus far for the following two reasons:

1. Things actually get resolved. One thing that bugs me about the Dresden Files is that it seems like while stuff occurs, nothing actually happens. Not so with Garrett.

2. Not as formulaic as the Dresden Files. I haven't read enough of the Garrett files to determine how formulaic they get down the line but I've gotten to the point where I grit my teeth every time Harry Dresden goes a few nights without sleep to stop the lastest menace. Garrett, on the other hand, appreciates a good four or five hours in the sack.