A review by heatherleecurtis
Cut by Annelie Wendeberg


Guys! I may have found a hidden gem for fans of YA dystopian/post-apocalyptic.

I randomly read a Kindle freebie that had been lingering on my device for a year, “Cut” by Annelie Wendeberg. It’s super short, it intrigued me from the first chapter, and it held my attention enough to continue the series (as no doubt are the publisher’s intentions of making the first book of a series free... gotta buy the rest). It also doesn’t have many reviews on Goodreads or Amazon so I think this one flies under the radar.

There are definitely the typical elements of the genre (badass heroine who doesn’t fit in, survival, “something more” happening in society than the general public realizes) but it also is original and interesting enough that I’m pressing on to book 2.

“Cut” takes place following a pandemic (heh) that wipes out almost the entire world population. Girls are expected to marry at 15 and get to repopulatin’ the Earth. Our heroine Micka is a scrawny, self-described “village idiot” who flunks out of school and intends to end her own life because she has zero interest in becoming a wife and mother, and nobody wants her anyway- but that night she is presented with an alternative that seems too far-fetched to be true.

This book has more swearing and sexual references than I usually see in YA- I’m not into censoring, but for those who are, if your kiddo is more of a “young tween” than a “young adult”, you may want to give this a skim before handing it over to them.

3.5 stars.