A review by claureng
Low-Demand Parenting: Dropping Demands, Restoring Calm, and Finding Connection with your Uniquely Wired Child by Amanda Diekman


While my kiddos don’t match (entirely) the child behaviors described in this book, the author offers a strong case for working with our child’s nervous system, exploring why we place the demands we do, and creating a less demanding environment for everyone in the family. I will take lessons from this book and be able to easily apply them to my family’s needs and my own. While I was a well behaved and perfectionistic child myself, always following rules, I wish my nervous system (quite anxious and hyper vigilance for as far back as I can remember) had been met with such flexibility and understanding. It makes me argue that this theory applies, at least to some degree, really applies to all people. It makes me rethink how to show up in the world, especially as my husband and I navigate the realization of our children’s (and our own) neurodivergence.