A review by allerkins
Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina


I loved this book. I think I read over half of it in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. Meg Medina has written a moving, sweet, funny, scary, sad story about bullying in high school and what it means to be a young Latina. The characters Piddy, her mother, her aunt, the boy next door, and all of Piddy's friends just came to life off the page. Medina has created a very strong cast of secondary characters and Piddy herself is completely believable and easy to relate to.

Piddy lives with her mom in a rundown apartment building. When the stairs in their building collapse, her mother has had enough and decides it is time to move. Sadly this also means that Piddy must change schools. On one of her very first days a girl walks up to her and says, "Yaqui Delgado wants to kick your ass." Piddy doesn't even know who Yaqui is! Yaqui goes on to torment Piddy to no end, resulting in a beating and a video uploaded online for the whole school to see. I especially love that Medina included this all too real aspect of bullying continuing online, which I have seen myself in the lives of the teens I work with.

Teens will find this book realistic and will relate easily to the situation Piddy is in. One of the strengths of the books is the ending. With bullying books, it can be difficult to find an ending that is both realistic and also offers some resolution. I think Medina nailed it with this ending. The more I think about this book, the more I love it and I'm just itching to find some teens to recommend this to because I know they will love it too.