A review by annepw
Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping by and Get Your Financial Life Together by Erin Lowry


Excellent, useful financial breakdown for twenty-somethings at the start of their careers. I made a lot of changes as a result of this book and am feeling excited and empowered. The chapters on retirement and investing were still too complicated and jargon-y, though, leaving me feeling like I need to find another book to explain them more clearly. Overall, though, I’m really glad I picked this book up as it has helped me make a clear budget, set my financial priorities, and choose financial services that get me the most for my money.

The reason this got 3 instead of 4 stars is because of the irritatingly cutesy writing style (hashtags and cheeky references to margaritas etc) in an effort to make it relatable. Additionally, though the financial advice is useful for anyone, Lowry’s audience is so obviously intended to be upper-middle class college-educated white women (based on her cultural references etc) that I’d feel awkward recommending the book to anyone else.