A review by taryn_a
Dangerous Alliance: An Austentacious Romance by Jennieke Cohen


I read a lot of Regency novels. What I've never done is read a Regency YA novel. If there is one other than this one which I'm not certain about.

This book was a delight. Fluffy and fun delight. It was really different to see 19-year-olds in Regency England still portrayed more or less realistically, but with the whole tone of the novel being YA. I'm not quite sure how to describe it. Also, I've read many books set in the time period that have a random "and she was reading Pride and Prejudice" line thrown in to cater to the fan girls. This book unabashedly rode the Jane Austen wave and I was here for it. Vicky tried at different points of the novel to emulate Fanny Price or Elizabeth Bennet and it was fun.

Random aside, I love getting multiple points of view in books, but it does take away any of the surprise element when it comes to the romance. The summary of this book makes it seem like "who's she going to choose," but halfway through the first chapter when the POV switched, there's no mystery left. This doesn't just apply to this book, but it's something that is certainly apparent in it.

All in all, this book isn't going to be a new favorite or one I gush about or recommend a ton. But if you're in the middle of the YA/Jane Austen venn diagram (like I am), definitely pick this one up and appreciate the differences. And then let me know so we can discuss. :)