A review by gee_reads_books
Frost by Jaclyn Osborn


"Haven't you heard? I'm Jack Frost. At night, I paint the world in ice and snow and create fernlike spirals on frosted windowpanes."

(4.25/5*) This was such a sweet, enjoyable story! Although I've never been one to buddy read books, my pal @albireotales (IG handle) has somehow already suffered with me through two. And, exactly like with 'A Silent Night' in Christmas, we're so happy that we chose this book. It's got beautiful quotes, funny moments, a very sweet romance, and our hearts forevermore.

"Your name sounds so warm. Like you're the sun and I'm the icy north wind."

Luka Summers is a young man who, as a child, got lost in the forest and nearly died. He didn't, though, for Jack Frost was there to save him and bring him back home. Nineteen years have passed since then, and Luka has never been able to let go of Jack Frost. His bestselling young adult series features Jack as the main character, and as his boyfriend says, everyone seems to be second-best to the ice spirit he's been captivated by for so long. After a few weeks spent in a writer's block, Luka decides to go back to the forest cabin his parents rented when he was a child--the cabin to which Jack Frost took him back--, to see whether it will help him get inspired again. And inspired he does get..., for Jack Frost turns out to be so much more than a childhood memory. He's real. He's there. And Luka is soon hopelessly in love with him.

"May you chase the stars in your dreams."

"Frost" was such an easy, enjoyable read! Even though it's not that long to begin with (182 pages), I literally flew through the story. Jaclyn's prose flows beautifully, and the only difficult thing about it was tearing my eyes away from the Kindle to do..., well, everything non-reader human beings do. Despite its title, this story kept me warm, and brought much-needed smiles to my lips.

"My soul knew you, even though it took my brain a while to catch up."

Luka and Jack make such a sweet couple! Really! Although it reads a little like instalove at first, as they're quite attracted to each other from the start, it's still believable and very cute. How am I expected not to melt every time Jack calls Luka "little light"!? Both of them feel strongly about the other, and even if there are reasons why they shouldn't get too involved with each other, neither wants to be the one to stop the incredible feelings between them. By the end, I was sobbing like a fool, and before that I was texting @albireotales (IG handle) all-caps messages, crying stickers, and pics of my favourite scenes. (She's earned her V.I.P. pass to Heaven with me, guys)

"Magic. You don't have to understand it for it to be real."

Regarding worldbuilding, I quite enjoyed the way Joclyn Osborn reimagined, and told, Jack's story. Ancient Greek mythology was blended in, in a way that made me so happy! FINALLY someone who doesn't ignore Anteros' existence, even if he's simply mentioned (I have a soft spot for Anteros). There wasn't any excess of info, but enough was provided to let the reader understand Jack's origin, as well as to weave certain elements into the plot.

"I dream of the moon. It glows brightly in the night sky, shining down in shades of silver. However, while everyone who sees it enjoys the gift it brings, the moon can never be part of their world. It gives and gives, but is forever alone."

All in all, I really enjoyed "Frost". Think about your favourite fluff and comfort fanfiction--"Frost" will make you feel as giddy, happy, and warm inside. I know I'll read everything else this author has written, because if her prose and her imagination already captivated me with a novella, it blows my mind to imagine what a lengthier story will do. By @albireotales' recommendation, I've got my eyes set on "Axios"! Don't miss the chance to read this one, guys. Treat your heart and your fan feels.

"Yor years, you've let me keep my wings. And now I'm giving you yours."