A review by hotgirlfiction
Uma Proposta de Casamento by Mike Gayle


This book follows the story of Duffy, a commitment-phobe struggling comedian, and his long term girlfriend Mel. She wants marriage, he wants things to stay the same. To be honest, not that much happens - we just watch them break up and worry about their relationship a few times.

My theory about font style kinda ruining enjoyment of a book came to fruition here. The font was so SO wrong for a book and it annoyed me the whole way through. And, hear me out, it was painfully obviously written by a man. I don’t mean male writing is bad but it was written to be overwhelmingly stereotypical - male character who likes beer, football and hates commitment. Sprinkle in some misogynistic jokes and bang, fully developed male character. Essentially it was a male version of chick-lit. But slightly dull.

The storyline was fine, and overall it wasn’t a bad read - just nothing to write home about.