A review by a_reader_obsessed
Undertow by Andrea Speed


What stands out for me in this series is that in and amongst the heavy tone, depressing reality of hate, and the constant self loathing Roan has - this is probably one of the smartest, snarkiest, funniest series I've read.

At times, I'm equally tickled silly and horribly saddened about the fantastic adventures of Roan and company, and the second to the last book in this series was no different.

Suffice it to say everyone is evolving - Holden, Dylan, Roan. They're making some changes, opening their eyes to things they didn't want to face. But scary things are happening - I don't blame Roan for his fears or his bitterness. He chose the difficult path but it wasn't a difficult decision to make. He's making plans, settling his affairs, getting his ducks in a row. He pretty much has accepted the conclusion to what he deems is his inevitable demise. His only question that remains is will he go out in a hail of bullets and fire or quietly into the night?

"He was doomed anyway right? He got that completely. Which was why he'd just decided to give into the nihilism and stop worrying about it all. Fuck it. He'd make himself enjoy the human time he had left."

Let's hope he's wrong on both fronts.

Thanks Sofia, Sheri, Rosa, and Otila for the BR - looking forward and dreading reading the last book with all of you!