A review by shelleyrae
Motor City Witch by Cindy Spencer Pape


I thought Motor City Fae had some potential as the first book in a new paranormal romance series and so I welcomed the chance to review the sequel, Motor City Witch. This book continues the main story arc from the first, but shifts the focus to the relationship of Elise and Aiden.
Elise and Aiden's relationship is nicely developed and they are both likeable characters. Aiden is less arrogant than I was expecting, and I think Pape managed to show several sides of his character. Elise has strength, common sense and is a more coherent heroine than Megan was in Motor City Fae.
As a paranormal romance, the plot is secondary to the romance of the featured couple, however there is a reasonable balance of mystery, action to maintain interest. Pape has vastly improved the flow and pace of the story over the first, characters actions push the plot along rather than convenient coincidence.
I do feel that in general the writing style lacks sophistication and subtlety. In my advance copy I found a couple of errors that I assume will be fixed on publication. Pape has a talent for writing her initimate encounters though, they are steamy and tastefully explicit, though I think at least one of the sex scenes was poorly placed in the storyline.
Pape's world has so much potential with a mix of fae, werewolves, witches, djinn, trolls, goblins and even orcs but I don't think she provides enough detail to really immerse you in the fantasy world. She doesn't effectively explain how the worlds of Overhill and Underhill relate to each other, nor how the other paranormal creatures stand in the parallel system.
For me, Motor City Witch is a rather ordinary paranormal romance, but I think fans of the formula will be entertained by it. I hope that Pape continues to improve the series as it grows.