A review by oftheabyss
Brothers to the Death by Darren Shan



This review is for this book and this series as a whole, because I read them all so close together.

The pros: This was a perfect prequel series to one of my favourite childhood series, and I'm happy to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this as an adult. This series is a perfectly paced journey through the life of a vampire. It's a historical fantasy, implementing real history in a way that made it work with the story. At times I almost thought of it like a middle grade Interview with the Vampire. The vampire society is explored well and I love how this last book led perfectly up to the beginning of Cirque Du Freak!

The cons: It's not a perfect series by any means, but there's not really anything wrong with it. It's either going to be something you enjoy or just feel neutral about.

The conclusion: I love books for this age group that are easy to read but still incredibly well-written and put together, and Darren Shan's books are a great example of this. I haven't kept all of his books physically because there's just too many taking up the precious space I have, so I switched to the ebooks, but this final book I do own physically because I met the author and he signed it for me. Lovely man!