A review by rida_reads
The Date Swap by Lydia Westing


This acted out as a filler for me since I was drained with reading a lot this day and I wanted an audiobook that would just do its thing without me having to put in a lot of concentration. But I guess, that was the only good thing about it along with the cover. Going into the book, I was expecting it to be light, fluffy, summer romance but all of it was sort of overpowered by the fact that I could not distinguish much with the two main characters. Their POV felt too similar and I could distinguish between the two only when the name of the other one was mentioned. I was yearning for a physical copy to read along with the audio, but alas!

Other than that, the book had okayish level of fun. It has a fake dating romance (which I love) between Lyla and Daniel, set in Hawaiian summer. The meet at the airport and soon discover that they're both attending a wedding here and don't have dates. So they decide to be together. But when family starts to pry for more information it becomes difficult for Lyla and Daniel to keep up the ruse.

I know, this sounds like a very familiar plot which has been too many times but... umm... it way okay. Not bad, but not great!