A review by thisismenow
The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires by Molly Harper


In The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires, Iris Scanlon stumbles upon her newest vampire client, C. Calix, after he's been poisoned. Even though it goes against her rules, she allows Cal to come home with her to hide out while he tries to figure out who's behind a rash of vampire poisonings.

Molly Harper has done it again! Even though this book is told from Iris's point of view, the same humor I've come to love and expect from her Jane Jameson books is still present, as are the cast of colorful characters I'd already become familiar with.

I really enjoyed getting to know Iris better. Her role in the Nice Girls Don't Bite Their Neighbors was fairly small, so there was a lot left to learn about her. Her relationship with Gigi was always interesting. She hovered the line between sister and mother well.

Cal was also an interesting character. He was a bit off putting at times, but once I got to know more about his character, I grew to like him more. I find vampire talents to be quite interesting, and some of the ones in this book were pretty cool.

As far as the plot goes, I thought the book was really solid. The vampire poisoning were also really fascinating because the usual rules to poisoning seemed not to apply since vampires are undead and wouldn't be affected in the same way.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. Half Moon Hollow is such an interesting place, so it was fun to see the same town from the eyes of a different character and seeing a new adventure while revisiting characters I already loved.