A review by whatcha_listening_to
After the Storm by Maya Banks


Yep 2 stars from me.. Sigh I hate to do that. I was soooo looking forward to this book. Please don't take this as a book bashing that's not what I want. I am just stating what I didn't like and what I did.

I think if it had spanned over 3 months. And Van was so not Van he seemed like some had his balls. He was like a pussy. He wasn't like the Van of the other books. Sure he was protective but he wasn't Alpha at all.

It wasn't that it was insta-love that I am totally cool with but it was the way it happened. And not only that but like insta-family that I don't get. I think it was because of the Eve's and Camy and Travis's situation that made this so unbelievable to me.

She was soooo protected of them you can feel it. She didn't know what to do she was at the end of her rope and then poof her white knight comes to save the day. So yeah she wanted to run again I totally see that. If it was me I would have so done what she did... This I liked. I am weird it was believable.

But then after the tornado.... it got WEIRD for lack of a better word.
2 or 3 kisses and poof she was family that was a head scratch-er. Even Garrett was like they are family after 1 night. I know they would go with what Van said but it was too weird. I can't describe it.
When did getting her in bed = trust?
Also I didn't find Evie to be a very in depth character like all the other ladies we got to know them not just there situation. Loyalty and being scared were really what I found out about her.

Now it wasn't all bad don't get me wrong. There were parts of the book I loved and parts I didn't. I didn't connect with them as a couple so for me the sex stuff wasn't for me it wasn't HOT like in all the other books for me because I didn't believe in these two as a couple..


I loved all the parts with Rusty. We get to see what a beautiful, kind women she has become. I don't want to hope for this book because I hoped for this one and it let me down :( so I am just going to hope the next book goes back to how the first few books were because those books for KGI were AMAZING!