A review by cousinrachel
The Little Book of Little Activists by Penguin Young Readers


It was disappointing - but not surprising - to see that there's a book about teaching political activism to little kids. On the first or so page there's a question about how to teach children about things like feminism in an age-appropriate way. The answer is that there isn't. Kids don't need to know about politics. Teach them to be respectful and kind, but let them form their own opinions. It will happen when it needs to happen. Don't manipulate them into agreeing with your point of view so you can validate your own beliefs.

And if you say that it's not manipulative? It absolutely is. If you are an authority figure, like a parent or a teacher, a child almost certainly will believe whatever you say to them. They're not [i]capable[/i] of questioning what you tell them. If you hear your own opinions echoed back at you from your child, it's not because they're a budding world-changer. It's because it's the nature of young kids to accept what they're told.

Trust that when they're old enough to understand complex issues, they'll be smart enough to make their own decisions. And if your child doesn't happen to agree with you? Accept it and move on, or have a conversation with them about what they think. In any case, let kids be kids.