A review by krissy_
The Iliad & The Odyssey by Homer


First Read:
I went into both of these epic poems knowing the stories. I had done such to help me understand what I was reading, as I heard both The Iliad and The Odyssey can be intimidating. However, although I knew the story I still felt extremely overwhelmed reading the text. Because of this, I will not be giving a rating until I have read it for the second time - with hopes that I’ll be able to grasp the text properly.

However, my current thoughts are that the writing is so articulate. I felt intrigued by the way Homer writes, although it is not a style I’m used to as of yet, I did find it beautiful but harsh (in structure not text) at times as well. Although writing styles is just of preference and what I might love others may not. I enjoyed seeing one of the core texts within Greek Mythology that inspired the retellings we know now. And what I found was quite interesting in how modern day has altered some staple Greek Mythology figures and morphed their persona to fit an agenda. Which in normality is fine, but it’s a shame that not many people know the difference between what is modern alterations and what is the actual mythology. It was good to see some of the mistaken figures such as Hades be shown as who he was and not his modern day persona. Even though it was for only two sentences that he was mentioned in The Iliad (that I can recall). But those two sentences is proof enough of how much the mythology figures have been altered.

Although I just reread both texts, I do still recommend both of them. Especially if you are interested in learning about Greek Mythology.