A review by s8snicks
Queen Among the Dead by Lesley Livingston


Queen among the dead

Based on the legends surrounding Irelands first Queen, Queen Among the Dead takes us into the ancient Celtic kingdom of Eire. It is a story of druids, magic, kings and queens, court intrigue, thieves, succession and power.

The world building is stunning. There is SO MUCH going on but it’s crafted so carefully that it all just works. I will say, in the front flap there is a glossary of terms, specifically related to the different people groups, and it’s definitely helpful. I read this as an e arc and found myself wishing for the paper copy (I heard someone refer hard copy as a tree copy the other day and may forever use that) so I could refer to it a few times for clarification.

I loved the characters too, especially Neve, the King’s youngest daughter, and Rowan, an ex Druid turned thief. Neve is strong, courageous and feisty; she deserves her place in this story.

I’m not sure if there will be a second installment but I sure do hope so.

Thank you @netgalley and @zando for this e arc in exchange for my honest review.