A review by on_my_bookshelf2
Where Death Meets the Devil by L.J. Hayward


It is absolutely the best thriller I've ever read. It was mesmerizing and I savored every word. The beginning was confusing and it took me atleast 50 pages to get into the scene. Then I forgot everything happening around me. It pulled me inside and I loved it.

Ethan Freaking Blade is, hands down, the best character in this book. I know he was a cold-blooded killer but I loved him. My heart skipped a beat when he was attacked by Dingo and when Jack saw the whip marks. Whoever hurt my Ethan should rot in hell.

Jack talking to an assassin about food and car in the middle of nowhere is so far my favorite moment in the book. The way Ethan's face transformed while describing cars was awesome. That was the second I categorized Ethan as a human who kills for money and not a psychotic killer.

The fight scenes were absolutely mind blowing. In most of the books I can't connect with the fight scenes so I would mostly skip them but this one made me read everything and crave for more. I especially loved every scenes involving Ethan with Gun.

Another Remarkable moment is when Ethan introduces Jack to Sheila, his pet camel. The way he took care of Jack when he was sick and the secret code language he taught him made me overwhelmed with joy. I am heartsick for them.

When Valadian kissed Ethan in front of Jack, I wanted to kill valadian with my bare hands. I can't accept it, even imagining about it makes me want to vomit, probably on valadian. I seriously was on the verge of crying when Ethan kissed him back.