A review by happiestwhenreading
The Safekeep by Yael van der Wouden


Hmm…it’s hard to talk about this book without giving anything away. I do believe it is best to go in as blind as possible.

What I feel comfortable saying:

•The writing in this one kept me reading. It’s beautiful. I don’t know the author’s background, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some poetry involved. The sentences were lyrical and totally set the tone. I think I kept reading simply for the writing.

•The twist is super shocking - I felt it coming. I appreciate the purpose of this and how it helped the main character evolve…but chapter 9…😲

•The minor twist after chapter the big twist was harder for me to reconcile…it shed a new light to WWII (any war really) atrocities that I’ve never given a thought to. And for that reason alone, I am so glad I read this one. This one point keeps returning to me over and over again…and my heart hurts. War is an ugly, ugly business.

I wasn’t blown away by this one, but there is a definite appreciation to the experience that I’m glad I didn’t miss out on - namely, the writing and the end thoughts I had. I kind of think this one will be the Cinderella of the end-of-year book lists.