A review by ninj
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft


I really struggled with this. Part of it is the older style of writing, both with language and style. Wollstonecraft is big on punctuation and goes heavy on the commas: one sentence had 14 commas and two semi-colons. She doesn't even let exclamation marks stop her sentences! and if she has a question to ask, well, hey, does the question mark have to go at the end? or perhaps could it just sit in the middle of the sentence. Taken as a whole it meant I didn't really feel like I was hearing a cohesive argument.
Positives were the contextual remarks on the class system in play at the time. Some of the latter chapters weren't too bad in their discussion of potential education styles. Amusingly, it felt like in her conclusion that she was insulting me, the reader!