A review by ailinnr
The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin


4 stars

I feel like I can't describe all my feelings for this book properly but I'll try.

First of all, since this series was announced, I was shocked and so excited. The Mara Dyer trilogy ended with so many unanswered questions and mysteries, and I thought this was the chance to finally get the answers, plus we'd be getting Noah's pov, which is what I wanted since I read Evolution. But in all honesty, after a little more time passed, I started lowering my expectations because it was probably not going to be what I wanted. Well... joke's on me because this was so much better than I thought!

Noah is such an great narrator and seeing things through his mind is truly interesting. I always wanted to know his intentions, his reasons for being who he is and getting all that was truly captivating for me. His feelings for Mara and the way he has to describe them left me speechless. I knew he loved her more than anything in the world but seeing him describe his feelings is way different than just imagining what he really feels. I love that he can get so deep without getting cheesy. It honestly makes me love and understand his view of Mara much more. I think what I like the most about his pov is that it represents him so well and it didn't disappoint! Kudos to Michelle Hodkin for nailing it tbh.

One of the things I feared the most was what kind of drama we'd get between Mara and him, but this book is so interesting I feel like that was even done right. The writing style of this book reminded me of why I love this author so much. Everything from that to Noah's relationships with the rest of the secondary characters are really well done. And most importantly, kudos for answering so many questions from the previous trilogy and promising more answers to major mysteries! It really gives me hope for the rest of the series.

One of the biggest reasons why I loved this book? It made me feel like it's truly necessary to the plot and that it still keeps the great quality of the original trilogy.