A review by rlp78
Blue Lines by Toni Aleo


I really like unexpected pregnancy books but this one fell a little short for me. Erik was an ass. Plain and simple. I spent the first 3/4 of the book trying to believe I was going to start liking him at some point. I was also confused a lot during this book. There was a lot of "huh?" moments for me. The characters actions didn't make sense half the time. There was a moment where it seemed like they were really connecting and two sentences later Erik says he really needs to leave her. I actually went back to re-read the paragraph thinking I missed something. The book also spent too much time going over the same territory. I get it, Erik is broken. I get it, Piper loves him no matter what. I never understood WHY she loves him so much. There wasn't enough in the prologue for that to make sense. If anything it made her come across as kind of crazy.
All that being said, I do think the author improved Erik in the end. He wasn't completely redeemed for me, but it was nice seeing his turnaround.