A review by linzthebookworm
The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette by Carolly Erickson


I really enjoyed The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette. I thought that the diary format made the story easy to read for the most part. I thought that Erickson's depiction of Marie Antoinette showed her beyond just the vain queen who was beheaded. I appreciated that even though she was not in love with her husband she did at least have a friendship with him, which I think would have been rare back in the time.

I would be interested in reading more historical fictions in this style, and more of Erickson's work. Marie Antoinette is not a figure I've read much on (academically or fictional), and this has definitely peaked my interest in her.

For my complete review check out: http://linzthebookworm.blogspot.com/2017/12/book-review-of-hidden-diary-of-marie-antoinette.html