A review by forbearance
Siege of Shadows by Sarah Raughley


So! Siege of Shadows!

I have not reacted this strongly to an urban fantasy/sci-fi YA novel since [b:The Revenge of Seven|19346451|The Revenge of Seven (Lorien Legacies, #5)|Pittacus Lore|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1398024854l/19346451._SY75_.jpg|26378005] came out in 2014 where I physically threw the book across the room. I almost did that here - instead, I just set the book down and mouthed what the fuck and let the twists sink in. Even knowing some of the plot twists from accidentally spoiling myself, I could not believe the reveal. That's the sign of an excellent writer.

This book follows the events of [b:Fate of Flames|28954021|Fate of Flames (Effigies, #1)|Sarah Raughley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1474198505l/28954021._SX50_.jpg|45592438], as Maia and the other Effigies track down Saul and deal with internal corruption within the Sect. Through this storyline, you learn more about Rhys's history, the fellow Effigies, and the unmatched worldbuilding Sarah Raughley has done.

I fell in love even harder with Rhys throughout this novel. Without spoiling, he and his family are absolutely vital to the events and the world. Raughley answers all the questions you've had. You meet Chae Rin's sister in this book, as well. You learn more about Belle's connection to Natalya and the dynamic the two shared.

What stood out was the world-building, careful reveals, and storytelling that is present throughout this entire novel. I have not seen such care and attention to detail in a long time, if ever. You know how sometimes you read something and go, "Oh, that's foreshadowing?" That doesn't happen here - it's so subtle, you don't realize it until after.
SpoilerOne particular instance is how Maia joined Brendon in the Hole to watch the Surgeon torture Vasily. Because of this, she knows what the key card looks like and how to rescue Belle later on.
The history of the Shadows is fleshed out and the character development is so subtle it's like growing up with friends.
SpoilerBook one Belle would have never stabbed Maia, but it makes perfect sense in this novel. Chae Rin loves her Effigy sisters, even if she refuses to admit it. Lake is taking risks and charging forward without hesitation.
I absolutely loved the religious aspect of the world - it is something that would, without a doubt, happen but not many people would have thought of it.

I could ramble on this book forever. Every aspect is perfect. This is one of my new favorite series, and I haven't even finished it.