A review by kathydavie
Aphrodite's Passion by Julie Kenner


Second in the Superhero Central paranormal romance series about the Greek gods and goddesses.

My Take
Cute and funny. This go-round has Hale getting hooked up with a plain Jane, Tracy Tarrin. Tracy is the granddaughter of a Hollywood bombshell who bemoans her stick figure and unprepossessing face until she unexpectedly inherits an artifact from her grandmother. Turns out Granny had some naughty secrets…

The evil Hieronymous is after this artifact so it's Mori and Hale each bent on getting up close and personal with Tracy...seems there are some pretty stringent restrictions on just how a Protector can wrest the artifact away from a mortal.

Total escapist fare that is a crack up to read with a heartwarming cast of characters — straight from the Greek gods.