A review by yahyaelkinani
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States by


The background of the creation of the constitution is very interesting, the founding fathers struggled to create a state that was acceptable to most of the states. It had to create a republican government without there being any modern republics to take inspiration from. The development towards the constitution and while it is being created is more interesting than the document itself, which is already a great constitution considering the circumstances and the era. The founding fathers never intended to keep the constitution but use it as a document to later correct after its flaws are realised. Yet it is still the document of the US.

The spirit of the US has evidently changed. The American enlightenment is long gone, which the founding fathers were a clear part of, at least to me, If someone does not have any knowledge of the American revolution the book might come over less impressive. Yet this book gives a great insight on how the US and its constitution came to be.