A review by allingoodtime
If My Moon Was Your Sun [With Audio CD] by Andreas Steinhöfel


**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

The copyright page on this book lists it as originally published in 2015 in Germany. This little gem is so wonderful I wonder what took so long to decide to release it to the English-speaking world. I only wish I wasn’t reading it on a black and white Kindle Paperwhite. I checked out a “look inside” on Amazon and the colors of the illustrations are so vibrant and fun.

As with most children’s books, this story teaches a lesson. The author is able to get this lesson across without it being shoved in your face. Max loves his grandfather and misses spending time outdoors with him. But grandpa has the “great forgetting” and now lives in assisted living. Luckily, grandpa still has more lucid moments that non-lucid and he reassures Max that even if he forgets him at times, his love is always there. You don’t have to see love to be loved.

It’s a beautiful tale of love, freedom, loss, and protection. I can’t even imagine the depth that would come from experiencing this story with the illustrations and the music as it’s being packaged. I believe I may have found a Christmas gift for one of my nieces or nephews.
