A review by ezichinny
Dark Space by Lisa Henry


I kind of liked this one even though I am not big into Sci-Fi.

Brady Garrett was almost done training to be a medic. He was a recruit, conscripted into an army formed to defend earth from alien invaders. One day, he was called in to assist the Head Medic with a medical decision pertaining to an officer.
See Lt Cameron Rushton had been returned to earth, after four years of being presumed dead, suspended in a liquid in a pod.

Brady kept touching and messing with pod, and somehow Brady and Cameron's heart impulses became linked. they had to be in constant touch with the other or Cameron would flatline. The other downside was that they became telepathic with each other, they could hear each other's thoughts, experience their dreams etc. Can you say NO PRIVACY!!!!!!

Cameron was sent to warn earth that the Aliens, nicknamed The Faceless, were coming. They wanted Earth to sign a peace treaty or the faceless would attack. This message causes panic, and the Earth forces have to decide if Cameron is really a messager, or now a traitor used to inflitrate the armed forces.
In addition, Brady and Cameron are experiencing physical attraction to each other, which comprises Brady's loyalties. Brady has to be careful because he has a family to take care of, specifically his little sister Lucy. What is he willing to give up?

Whose side is Cameron really on and what is his real mission? Where will it leave his relationship with Brady?

If you like Sci-Fi, you will like this one. The writing is pretty good, and I was really interested to see the "new" Cameron as I knew his four years changed who he was. I also wanted to see how Brady would handle his new feelings as it conflicts with his responsibilities. It was entertaining.