A review by greeniezona
Raylan by Elmore Leonard


There was a day, in the crazy lead-up to Christmas, where we had to divide and conquer. The kids were sick of shopping and each other, so I volunteered to let Andrew drop Jefferson off with me at the bookstore (I was totally buying presents! For people who were not me!), while he took Solomon to the grocery store. Well, once we made our purchases we needed to hang out by the front door to see Andrew come by. And I thought, the Mystery section, not being one of my usual genres, should be safe.


Well, before we were picked up, I'd found five books I totally needed to live right this second. Somehow, I kept from buying any of them that day, but I soon went back for this one.

I love the series Justified. I love the character Raylan. I love the snappy dialogue characteristic of the film adaptations of Leondard's work. I expected this to be a ridiculously easy sell. But I can only say that I liked this book.

Part of the problem was timing. Leonard wrote this book prior to season 2 and invited the show's writers to "strip it for parts," which they did. Aspects of this book were pulled for season 2 (which I'd seen), and season 3 (which I hadn't). Many characters appearing in the book were vastly expanded in the TV show as the writers fell in love with the actor's depictions. So that was disorienting. But really, the problem is, I love the Raylan and Boyd of the television show. The Raylan & Boyd of the book are similar, but of course not the same, and I had a hard time letting go. It wasn't all disappointment, though. Now that I'm halfway through season 3, I can say I prefer the kidney storyline in the book to the tv show, and I'm still waiting to see if our poker wunderkind shows up on Justified, and seriously, what the hell did they do to Winona in season 3 on the show?

Enjoyable, though. Seems likely to be problematic for many Justified fans, though they've really marketed it straight to them.