A review by xaviershay
Enjoying It: Candy Crush and Capitalism by Alfie Bown


not sure if troll

"Enjoyment serves many ideological purposes, a major one being to enforce cultural divides between subjects from various classes and backgrounds, grouping people by what they enjoy and preventing communication across these enjoyment-divides."

I mean ok this is a good start. Seems legit.

"The replacement of the actual other with whom the subject competes (say, a fellow FM gamer from school) with an imaginary or virtual other (the computer AI) offers a way of bringing Freudian psychoanalysis to bear on the modern state."


"In other words, ‘Gangnam Style’ as a moment of jouissance shows us that we are not unique subjects with unique enjoyments but subjects whose enjoyment forms us in accordance with a set of rules – and that there is therefore no ‘gift of nature’ to what we enjoy at all."

I'm out.

In fairness, this is an inside book and I'm an outsider lacking any prior knowledge to which the author refers. Still..