A review by bookishblondegirl
Perfect Shot: A Thriller by Steve Urszenyi


2.75 stars

I feel like this should’ve been something I loved, but instead I just found it to be decent.

I found myself wanting to put this down nearly constantly. I felt like I ended up reading this a chapter at a time, which is unusual for me. The plot was…fine. Interesting enough, but none of the twists and reveals surprised me, and none of the red herrings intended to throw me off were effective.

Also, and I can’t totally even explain it, but I just feel like I could tell this female main character was written by a man. It wasn’t blatant, it’s not like her boobs were brought up every other sentence like some male authors, but there was something about the writing and her as a character that was off. I found myself struggling to believe that she was an actual human woman, and in this way I couldn’t connect to the book.

It seems I’m in the minority as far as this one not working for me, so it might be worth it to check it out yourself! Thank you to SMP for granting me access to the egalley for this!