A review by jennmeadows
The Things I Would Tell You: British Muslim Women Write by Sabrina Mahfouz


I picked up The Things I Would Tell You for Our Shared Shelf's January/February 2019 pick. I'm incredibly thankful for this book club because it continues to introduce me to a wide range of books that I may have not picked up otherwise. Our Shared Shelf continues to challenge me to make my feminism more intersectional.

I really enjoyed The Things I Would Tell You because it offered multiple views and interpretations on what it means to be a Muslim woman in the West, specifically Britain. Issues that were covered in this anthology ranged from gender roles to rape culture to media portrayal of Muslims to struggling with identity. Honestly, I flew through this anthology because it was beautifully broken up into different components. For ten pages you would be reading poetry, then you would jump to a short story, then you would start reading a script. I really appreciated how this anthology covered so much ground in many creative ways. It was an irresistible read!