A review by betsyparty
You'll Do: A History of Marrying for Reasons Other Than Love by Marcia A. Zug


Going into this book, I assumed it was going to be pages upon pages (or hours upon hours rather, since I chose this as an audiobook) of all of the different crafty ways people marry for money. I was blown away by how in depth each of the chapters went, and all of the reasons for marriage I hadn't previously considered. Everything from social status, to land ownership, to rape victims marrying their perpetrator, because this was the best option for young women at one time (ick).

It also went into the modern day benefits of marriage, and society's preference toward married couples versus singles or couples who choose not to marry, made clear by the benefits married couples can cash in on. Overall, a well researched look into the institution and its evolution, with a compelling argument that there is no right reason to marry (which I agree with).