A review by mollymortensen
Burning Midnight by Will McIntosh


Colored spheres appeared all over the world nine years ago. When you burn two of the same color they make you better, taller, smarter, better looking. The rarer the sphere the more they do and the more they are worth.

Four years ago Sully found the rarest sphere in the world, and one of the richest guys around ripped him off for millions of dollars.

Recently, his mom lost her job, and they might soon lose their apartment. Sully works at a flea market selling spheres to make money. When he meets a young marble hunter named Hunter, they decide to team up to search for spheres.

My Review:

This was a strange, strange book. The author certainly has an imagination. This book was nothing like I expected and while it was far from perfect I still enjoyed it.

The good:

The characters are all easily likable. Even though they all had rather tragic pasts, this wasn't a depressing read! Hunter's my favorite! She's so tough and smart! Sully, our main character is rather average, but a good narrator. His best friend Dom was funny and nice, and last but certainly not least, Mandy is a smart girl who distrusts spheres, but wants in on the adventure! Holiday is an excellent villain! I hated him almost as much as Umbridge!

Everything is exactly like our world, except several years ago these spheres appeared. The author really thought about how magical spheres would impact the world. I liked that the spheres only did things that were possible for a human being, it made them more realistic. (As cool as super powers are.) I always need answers, so I appreciated that the spheres weren't kept a mystery.

Some people complained that it was too slow in the beginning, but I appreciated the author slowly introducing us to his world rather than telling us about it in an info dump. I think the main issue is the blurb teases us about this rare gold sphere, which doesn't come in until halfway through.

The Bad:

For some reason I found this book easy to put down. It didn't call to me to read it when I was doing other things. Perhaps it was because although plenty happens, it's rather slow paced in stretches.

The end is exciting and weird and I wasn't sure I liked it, but in the end I was happy.

Would I read another by this author? Maybe. I did enjoy it, but it was just so strange!

Point of View: Third Person (Sully)
Series: Standalone?
Predictability: 2 out of 5 (Where 1 is totally unpredictable and 5 is I knew what was going to happen way ahead of time.)
Source: NetGalley