A review by jamesnotlatimer
Wheel of the Infinite by Martha Wells


I think I'm getting a feel for Martha Wells now, and I definitely wish I'd discovered her years, if not decades, earlier. There are definite similarities with [b:The Element of Fire|1996589|The Element of Fire|Martha Wells|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1271118674s/1996589.jpg|357332] - the mystery, the romantically-attracted pair investigating it, the high-level conspiracy and magical threat - but she has taken this one to another level. I think the SE Asian-inspired setting helps, with the temples clearly inspired by Angkor Wat taking us to a fantasy setting with a lot of familiar elements but a different flavour. The lead character is a great shift, too, with a female lead finally taking centre stage, and uncompromisingly so. I think this book would find a lot of fans today, because it was clearly ahead of its time.

The only thing that perhaps stands out is the pace, which, while not slow, isn't breakneck, either, and something about how competent the heroes are reduces the tension somewhat. Maybe something about Wells' prose, too, which can be a bit...dry? But really, this is a fantastic book, a great example of amazing work that may have been overlooked, and something I'll recommend far and wide.