A review by bookswritingandmore
In Twenty Years by Allison Winn Scotch


n college, six friends lived together. They shared a house and had fun times, crazy times and made lots of memories. Eighteen years later, the surviving friends receive a letter from a lawyer about a trust put together by their deceased friend Bea, and to learn more, they must all return to the house they shared for the weekend of July 4th, which would have been Bea's 40th birthday.

In those eighteen years, the friends lost touch after a wedding in which friends betrayed each other and the death of Bea soon after that wedding.

On the outside all the friends seem like their lives are going well. One is a rockstar. One is a stay at home mom with the "perfect marriage". One is a surgeon and so on. But things on the outside aren't always what they appear to be and as these friends get back together, they realize that they don't really know each other anymore. Do they even know themselves anymore?

I was expecting to really be blown away by this book. It seems to have so many ratings and for the most part, I really enjoyed it. However, I found some real wholes in the plot and the stories were just not so realistic to me. Some of the characters were hard to get to know and others were just whiny and opinionated. That being said I still gave this book 4 stars because the stories of some of the characters really grab the reader and it was hard for me to put this down. I loved the many points of view of this book and the writing most of the time was incredible.

Overall I can see myself picking this book up again and for me that is a great complement with all the books I have on my to be read lists.