A review by laurla
Sea of Sorrows by Michelle West

"it is when we are exposed in our entirety that we have truly set aside all fear."

"there are no right choices. make one of the wrong choices instead, and make it decisively."

"i am always caught between two voices, two powers. at another time i might choose to listen to yours."
"you'll pardon me if i pray to whatever joke of a god governs my life that there will never be another time."
"gods dont govern mortal lives. but pray if you like. its never done me any good."

"the memory is painful in two ways. because of the loss, and because of what it tells you about yourself. accept both. you cannot flee from your own truths."
"there is no truth that is absolute. not even yours. there are goals, yes - but memory is a funny thing. any ten people can view the same battle; they can watch events unfold around them without taking their eyes from whatever occurs. but question them later, and they will give you ten different versions of the fight; they have watched, but selectively, and their memory has hoarded and embellished those details of import."

"the less of ourselves we understand the more prone we are to manipulations by others who understand us better."

"i think that there is no damnation she could face that is worse than the one she faces daily."

"what might have happened has long since passed; the possibilities vanished."

"i lose everyone i loved in a single night, and i lose them over and over again without pause. i lose them when i sleep, and nightmare takes me. i lose them when i wake, alone. i lose them when i see something that would have drawn a smile from their faces. i lose them when i watch your children, and i hear them speak a new word or take a new step, and i think of all the things that my child will never do."

"i thought the world had died when they died. it did. but it was my world, not *the* world."