A review by nwhyte
The Uncyclopedia by Gideon Haigh

http://nhw.livejournal.com/245373.html[return][return]lots of trivia that nobody ever wanted to know, including such joys as a complete list of US Vice-Presidents, eight fictional movie moguls featured in the works of PG Wodehouse, twelve catch-phrases from the Goon Show, and a list of the real names of various saints (including Simon Templar and Yves Saint-Laurent which is stretching it a bit). I picked up only one total error - comets go around the sun, not the earth - and a few stretched categories (Hereward the Wake wasn't royal, and Ceau_escu [properly Ceauescu] was not really assassinated).[return][return]Given my fascination with book lists, I was amused to see that the 1999 Modern Library readers' poll of the top ten books of the twentieth century included three titles by L Ron Hubbard and four by Ayn Rand! We can take it that the other three (in order, The Lord of the Rings, To Kill A Mockingbird, and 1984) did not have organised backers...[return][return]And it's not just lists. The short entries on parrhesia, the reptiles of Antarctica and the Giant Rat of Sumatra are all very pleasing; though I doubt if I will have occasion to use the phrases suggested for flirting in Turkish or dumping someone in Japanese. Recommended.