A review by pattydsf
Feynman by Jim Ottaviani, Leland Myrick


I gave this book to my husband for Christmas. He has not gotten around to it, but I decided it would be a good break from the other book I am reading. I was right.

Richard Feynman was a brilliant man who tried hard to make physics understandable to the average person. He won a Nobel prize for his work on QED, worked on the atomic bomb and influenced the way physics is taught all over the world.

Although Feynman himself wrote books for lay people, I believe this book may help the general population understand why this physicist is so important. The graphic format will attract readers who might not pick up Feynman's essays and autobiographies.

I still do not understand the science behind Feynman's work, but these folk got me a bit closer.

I recommend this book to readers who like the graphic format for their reading, to those who have heard about Feynman, but want to know more and to people who like reading interesting biographies.