A review by joliendelandsheer
Womancode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source by Alisa Vitti


I don't know how to feel about this one.

On the one hand, this made me think about my cycle, and how everything affects my hormones. It made me more aware of my own body, and taught me some natural ways to take care of symptoms and prevent them from happening (at least according to her, I haven't tried it yet). I also like that this method of cycle syncing doesn't require much of you to give it a try. Some adjustments in food and exercise. So I will give it a go, and see whether it works for me.

On the other hand, there were a lot of things that bothered me. When you think the content of this book through, it's mostly common sense? Eat healthy, make sure you have nutrient-dense food, exercise depending on how you feel, don't drink too much caffeine or alcohol, learn to deal with stress. I know all of that already! I will try to adjust my food to primarily the ones she recommends per phase of the cycle to see whether that made a difference.

I also already knew quite a bit about our hormones throughout the menstrual cycle, since I was taught that in biology in high school.

What annoyed me the most, however, is that this book could've been at least 80 pages shorter. The author spends SO MUCH time telling us all that your lives will change thanks to her program, that she has healed from PCOS and has helped other women to do so, and that she will tell us how to live our best lives. She could've just told me, instead of telling me she'd tell me. There was also so much promotion of her FLOliving website and program that it made me roll my eyes.

Lastly, I am not a fan of the title. Not every woman has a uterus, or a menstrual cycle for that matter. This was very focused on ciswomen. Granted, the target audience of this book is people with a menstrual cycle. But still.