A review by daisyray
Daisy Haites: The Great Undoing: Book 4 by Jessa Hastings


Not sure how I feel about this book. Up until this part of the series, I had such a good time reading. It was pure chaos, confusing, annoying and funny. But this book, it felt like a disappointment.
First of all: too many grammatical and spelling errors, especially in the end. Errors such as 'to' instead of 'too', 'we' instead of 'where'. It feels like it has been written and released too quickly.

I didn't care much for the characters and any of their relationships. This was the thing I enjoyed in the previous books. It does show a different light on Magnolia, due to the different perspective of the characters in this book. I started to empathise a lot more for Magnolia and less for Daisy and especially Julian.
I will continue reading the series though, because I am curious about the character development of Magnolia and BJ and their friend group. Not sure how I feel about Daisy and Julian though.