A review by jennacate
We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women's Lives by Manon Garcia

challenging informative inspiring medium-paced


Watched the first episode of season 2 of twin peaks the night I finished this book, and it hit a lot of the same major points. Maybe Laura didn’t kill herself, but maybe she chose to die. The hotel daughter prays to Cooper. 

What is the cost of your freedom? I liked thinking seriously about existentialism for the first time in a long time. While the political situation of women was a main facet of the book’s arguments, a weirdly huge gap was even just posing: what do you wish to be free to do. She talks about Beauvoir as being part of the path to emancipation with her project of writing novel existential philosophy (even if she didn’t realize it, I guess?) but leaves the emancipation discussion largely to the individual level, saying it’s something we accomplish through projects. There are a lot of limitations on the scope of this book, which is fine and I guess necessary for a book of this length. I wanted to know a little more about second wave feminism, and now I do.