A review by angiew23
The Girl in the Triangle by Joyana Peters


This YA Historical Fiction is perfect for teen or adult readers who are interested in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the other societal issues that were pressing at that time, including the suffrage movement, unions/strikes, immigration and life in the tenements! The story follows two families who are working together to immigrate from Russia during the Pogroms to New York. Ruth is betrothed to Abraham and once she arrives in NYC she joins him in working at a factory to help save money for the rest of his family to immigrate. Both Ruth and her younger sister Ester have a passion for being involved and helping create change, they just have different ideas of worthy causes and their approaches could not be more different! Crammed together in a tenement apartment, struggling to make ends meet and still save for Abraham's family, all while facing long hours and unfair working conditions in a ticking time bomb of a factory, certainly adds lots of interesting dynamics to the story!

While it is listed as a YA it could easily be enjoyed by adult audiences, but features young adults as the main characters and thus would likely be appealing for a younger audience as well. I love how well researched and realistic the writing was! While things are a bit slower in the first half of the book, I could not put it down once I reached the midway point, and don't count on predictable endings - I was definitely surprised! I absolutely recommend this book!